Di sebalik kuasa wang Liga Arab dan kejutan perpindahan Jhon Duran

Homemakers should receive an income

Major power generation projects for Sabah

Proses naturalisasi pemain warisan baharu skuad Harimau Malaya hampir dimuktamadkan

Malaysians should not be biased and prejudiced towards learning English
Homemakers should receive an income
BY: SOO BEE KUN The Malaysian government should seriously consider setting aside an allocation from the Federal Treasury to pay homemakers for their sacrifice in giving up careers and businesses to look after their children and spouse. It is a critical and vital...
Major power generation projects for Sabah
Disruption to electricity supply, blackouts and power outages could be a thing of the past for the east Malaysian state of Sabah as, on the drawing board, is planned major power generation projects. This is part of the federal government's initiative and bid to...
Shop till you drop this Chinese New Year
BY: NADHIRA ZA Since it is common knowledge to retailers, malls and other shopping establishments that the Chinese community is endowed with a high purchasing power, all over the country "shop till you drop" is being widely promoted. Not only local shoppers, but...
Ushering in the Year of the Snake
BY: LEANNE K Chinese New Year is a cultural festival that is nowadays celebrated not only by the Chinese community but, in Malaysia, the Malays and Indians also participate in the celebrations which is the forerunner of other festivals for the year. Chinese New Year...
Regulate and monitor the use of traditional medicine
The Universiti Sains Malaysia Centre for Drug Research has proposed the establishment of a dedicated committee to oversee, regulate and monitor the approval and use of herbal medicines in the country. The Centre suggested also the creation of a comprehensive directory...
Making a great success of ASEAN Chairmanship 2025
Malaysian prime minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, is a proud and happy man that the nation now helms the ASEAN Chair 2025 and called upon every strata and segment of society to make it a great success. This is really an excellent opportunity for the nation to forge...
Shortage of coconuts expected this Thaipusam
Hindu devotees may have to pay more to smash coconuts on Thaipusam Day which falls on Feb 11 this year as a shortage is expected due to adverse weather conditions which has led to a reduction in the supply of coconuts. A Penang-based coconut supply shop disclosed to...
Important for Malaysians to preserve unity
The National Unity Ministry, in a statement released to the media, has urged all strata and segments of society to avoid doing anything or saying anything which may affect the cordial and healthy relations between the various races and religions. The ministry pointed...
Transition taking place now in Malaysia
BY: DESMOND JUDE While the catch-phrases or watchwords in the Malaysian political scene over the last decade or so were transformation and reformation, it looks now that the nation is actually going through a period of transition towards betterment. Ever since his...
Homemakers should receive an income
BY: SOO BEE KUN The Malaysian government should seriously consider setting aside an allocation from the Federal Treasury to pay homemakers for their sacrifice in giving up careers and businesses to look after their children and spouse. It is a...
Musical Maestro AR Rahman Captivates Malaysia with Energetic Performance
The highly anticipated concert "A.R. Rahman Live in Kuala Lumpur 2024,"...
Star Planet and AR Rahman Made a Courtesy Visit to Prime Minister of Malaysia
Star Planet Sdn Bhd’s representatives together with internationally acclaimed...
Fans of A.R. Rahman had the opportunity to meet the world-renowned music...
Shop till you drop this Chinese New Year
BY: NADHIRA ZA Since it is common knowledge to retailers, malls and other shopping establishments that the Chinese community is endowed with a high purchasing power, all over the country "shop till you drop" is being widely promoted. Not only local...
ASEAN to push for win-win tourism
Malaysia's Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry has called on Asean member countries to form a stronger collaboration with each other's economy and tourism to boost this sector by aiming to implement win-win strategies. The ministry stated that "within a collaborative ecosystem, the benefits derived can be amplified for all Asean member states by...
Groundbreaking archaeological discoveries in Turkiye in 2024
Turkiye, which has recently made a splash in archaeological circles worldwide with groundbreaking discoveries, continues to unveil significant findings through year-round excavations, revealing traces of life from thousands of years ago. The number of archaeological studies in the country, which first increased to 720 in 2023, has already risen...
Pengaruh muzik pop yeh yeh pernah bikin P.Ramlee bimbang
Sejak dulu lagi bila muncul sahaja muzik ataupun genre baru, mesti ada yang tak suka. Menariknya ketika zaman pop yeh yeh mula-mula popular, P.Ramlee sendiri agak kurang menggemari muzik tersebut. Jadi kenapa P.Ramlee tak suka muzik pop yeh yeh? P.Ramlee menyatakan bahawa pop yeh yeh tidak mementingkan kualiti lagu. Sebab hanya fokus kepada bunyi yang lebih kuat. Malah kemasukan pop yeh yeh dianggap boleh merosakkan anak muda. Sebab anak muda akan mula terikut-ikut fesyen dan budaya yang tidak...

Malaysians should not be biased and prejudiced towards learning English
BY: CHRISTOPHER FERNANDEZ Near my home in Bangsar, I flagged a red-and-white...

Shop till you drop this Chinese New Year
BY: NADHIRA ZA Since it is common knowledge to retailers, malls and other...

Ushering in the Year of the Snake
BY: LEANNE K Chinese New Year is a cultural festival that is nowadays...

Curb the rise of schooling expenses
BY: DESMOND JUDE This is the year end for parents having school going...

Akuaponik pendedahan awal keterjaminan makanan

Sunway, MOHE sign 3-year TVET MoU to produce industry-ready graduates
Sunway Group and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) signed a three-year...
Recycle and reuse used items
BY: NADHIRA ZA For the burgeoning B40 group consisting of millions of Malaysians, the idea of recycling and reusing items in good condition should be given serious thought and consideration as these are hard and difficult times. While there are those who will thumb their noses and think the idea of using used items is revolting, the truth of the matter is that beggars can't be choosers and it is better to have goods you can still use then to do without it. Since circumstances are not in favour for the hardcore poor and those in the B40 group, it is advisable that they accept this hand me downs or purchase them at reject shops or at...