Understanding hearing loss in young children: What parents should know

Di sebalik kuasa wang Liga Arab dan kejutan perpindahan Jhon Duran

Homemakers should receive an income

Major power generation projects for Sabah

Proses naturalisasi pemain warisan baharu skuad Harimau Malaya hampir dimuktamadkan

Malaysians should not be biased and prejudiced towards learning English

Shop till you drop this Chinese New Year

Ushering in the Year of the Snake

Regulate and monitor the use of traditional medicine

Regulate and monitor the use of traditional medicine
The Universiti Sains Malaysia Centre for Drug Research has proposed the establishment of a dedicated committee to oversee, regulate and monitor the...

Making a great success of ASEAN Chairmanship 2025
Malaysian prime minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, is a proud and happy man that the nation now helms the ASEAN Chair 2025 and called upon every...

Shortage of coconuts expected this Thaipusam
Hindu devotees may have to pay more to smash coconuts on Thaipusam Day which falls on Feb 11 this year as a shortage is expected due to adverse...

Important for Malaysians to preserve unity
The National Unity Ministry, in a statement released to the media, has urged all strata and segments of society to avoid doing anything or saying...

Transition taking place now in Malaysia
BY: DESMOND JUDE While the catch-phrases or watchwords in the Malaysian political scene over the last decade or so were transformation and...

Better protection for Persons with Disabilities
A mob assault of a Person with Disabilities (PwD) at a market in Chukai, Kemaman in Terengganu has prompted the OKU Rights Matter Project to seek...

Melaka Chosen to Host World Tourism Day 2025
In a momentous announcement that underscores Malaysia’s growing prominence on the global stage, Melaka has been selected as the host city for World...

Sejarah unik penduduk Pulau Soan yang berjiwa patriotik di Korea
OLEH: FARAHI KAMARUDDIN Selamat datang ke Pulau Soan, yang terletak kira-kira sejam perjalanan dengan bot dari Daerah Wando, Wilayah Jeolla Selatan....

Dokumen Perancangan Strategik KUSKOP 2025 dilancarkan
Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi, Datuk Ewon Benedick melancarkan dokumen Perancangan Strategik Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan...

The sweat shop working conditions for public hospital doctors
BY: CATHERINE SAW Malaysian public hospitals are often described as 'overcrowded with long waiting queues to see the doctor'. But what has become...