Real caring actually involves a lot of sacrifice

Pengaruh muzik pop yeh yeh pernah bikin P.Ramlee bimbang

Pembukaan 99 Speedmart di Lamanda Chuping lonjak potensi hab ekonomi setempat

Elise Mertens clinches singles title at inaugural Singapore Tennis Open

SPOTV launches FIFA+ Zone to celebrate football in Southeast Asia

Filem Limbungan: Tragedi Hitam 1975 berdasarkan kisah sebenar

AI to give healthcare industry a boost

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Beauty & Health

Don’t ‘weight’ to act: Understanding obesity and effective solutions
BY: ARA DAMANSARA MEDICAL CENTRE Obesity is one of the most pressing health concerns in Malaysia and across Asia. Malaysia has the second-highest...

Healthy people should donate their organs
BY: CHRISTOPHER FERNANDEZ There is not much awareness being created of organ donation and harvesting in Malaysia and the government and...

Thomson Revolutionises Patient Care with New 3T MRI Machine
New technology boosts the hospital’s capacity to provide advanced, comprehensive care to the community. Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara (Thomson)...

Malaysia badly needs more psychiatrists
According to the National Health & Morbidity Survey 2023, more than a million Malaysians over the age of 15 are experiencing depression and what...

Managing change in an ever changing world
BY: LYNDY ANG If change is the only constant in life, people must learn to be pliable and adaptable as changes take place in our lives to ensure...

1 daripada 3 belia di Malaysia bergelut dengan keyakinan diri
Tinjauan yang dijalankan oleh Haircarebear, jenama suplemen terkemuka Australia untuk rambut, kulit dan kuku, baru-baru ini mendapati bahawa satu...

Robotic surgeries should be insured
There are growing calls for insurance companies to cover robotic surgeries but these companies are reluctant to do so as it costs RM20,000 to...

Paying the price to be beautiful
BY: IZAL MAHAT On August 2, 2023, an innocent and gullible woman died after undergoing breast augmentation in the premises of a double storey house...

Reducing carbon footprint the vegan way
The Malaysian Vegetarian Society has declared that the carbon footprint impact on a vegan diet is less than a third of a meat eater's diet, which...

Health of adolescents on the decline
The 2022 National Health and Morbidity survey has shown a prevalence of sedentary lifestyles and an increase in unhealthy habits, especially among...