Major power generation projects for Sabah

by | Feb 3, 2025 | Business, Local, National, News

Disruption to electricity supply, blackouts and power outages could be a thing of the past for the east Malaysian state of Sabah as, on the drawing board, is planned major power generation projects.

This is part of the federal government’s initiative and bid to increase the state’s reserve margin to 30 percent by the year 2030 as part of the big picture that is being realised for Sabahans and also Sarawakians.

While Sarawak is an energy producer, part of the Anwar Administration’s bold strategy is for the Energy Commision of Sabah to purchase electricity from neighbouring Sarawak in forging a win-win situation for both states.

Other projects in the pipelines for Sabah include a new 100mw power plant to be built in the state and also a 100mw large-scale solar farm to be funded by the federal government to upgrade and improve the lives of Sabahans.

Besides this, through the Energy Transition and Water Transformation Ministry, RM 102.9 million has been allocated by Putrajaya for the execution and completion of projects aimed at enhancing electricity supply services in Sabah.

The federal government declared that it was committed to supporting Sabah’s electricity generation development agenda by granting subsidies to Sabah Electricity from 2024 to 2030 which will amount to RM3.54 billion.

