Homemakers should receive an income

by | Feb 3, 2025 | National, News, Opinions


The Malaysian government should seriously consider setting aside an allocation from the Federal Treasury to pay homemakers for their sacrifice in giving up careers and businesses to look after their children and spouse.

It is a critical and vital service that homemakers offer, and without playing that important role in their families, there can be chaos and confusion in society, as the family unit which is the nucleus of a community breaks up.

In the past, homemakers were referred to as housewives, and they had an equally arduous task as their spouse in raising and keeping a family together, until the children were old enough to fend for themselves and their by now aging parents.

The homemaker’s position is different from that of servants and maids who are mere hirelings totally unconnected with the family and do this sort of work out of economic necessity and a means to earn an income.

Relying on care-givers or nannies is an idea that might sound feasible but given the current state of putting your children in a home for daycare requires a lot of trust and confidence built between parents and these service providers.

Paying a spouse to stay at home and look after the children, while a good option, must be compensated by the government so children are brought up with the family touch and not by some strangers.


** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher
