Shop till you drop this Chinese New Year

by | Jan 30, 2025 | Business, Local, National, News, Opinions


Since it is common knowledge to retailers, malls and other shopping establishments that the Chinese community is endowed with a high purchasing power, all over the country “shop till you drop” is being widely promoted.

Not only local shoppers, but foreign tourists and visitors are creating a stir at prominent shopping outlets and their influx is seen as a boom for businesses and traders catering a wide range of goods for them.

If this isn’t good enough, the Malaysian shopping scenario is seeing Malays and Indians, though not directly involved in the Chinese New Year celebrations, jumping on the bandwagon to enjoy going on a shopping spree.

It is not a surprise, therefore, that traders and businesses are reporting brisk sales as shoppers throng their outlets while a major attraction for Malaysians is to seek for delicious food and drinks to satisfy their gastronomic cravings.

Malaysia is a food lovers paradise, and although people complain often of the rising prices of food and drinks, nevertheless it is a must for many people to dine out and enjoy themselves with a fusion and profusion of food and drinks.

Economic experts contend that during festivals there is a mini economic boom and this augurs well for the country but they caution that Malaysians must budget wisely and not go overboard in spending during these festivals.


** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher
