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Transisi masa seiring usia mengubah diri kita seadanya
Transition taking place now in Malaysia

While the catch-phrases or watchwords in the Malaysian political scene over the last decade or so were transformation and reformation, it looks now that the nation is actually going through a period of transition towards betterment.
Ever since his appointment as prime minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been through nerve-wrecking experiences where it looked a number of times where he would be displaced but he displayed nerves of steel to prevail.
It looks now as if he has consolidated his political base and it also looks now as if he is leading a transition where it looks like he is going to restore the full tenets and obligations of democracy and steer the country forward.
While this is an arduous task, it is not without basis, as the strength of the opposition is weakening considerably as the power base of the government gains momentum and is poised to enable them to bring the changes they promised.
In the last general election, in exchange for coming to power, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pledged and made promises which he is now slowly but surely bringing to pass and leading the nation towards his planned goals and objectives.
This is why the past several years have been a tumultuous and turbulent time but as a seasoned politician and well versed with the use of power, Datuk Anwar has managed to gain a grip of the political situation to fulfill his agenda for the rakyat.
** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher