The sweat shop working conditions for public hospital doctors

by | Jan 23, 2025 | National, News, Opinions


Malaysian public hospitals are often described as ‘overcrowded with long waiting queues to see the doctor’. But what has become unbelievable is the sweat shop conditions under which doctors in Malaysian public hospitals work.

This has led to urgent calls from responsible individuals and organizations to revamp the working schedules for doctors so that they might have some respite and breathing space instead of being overworked to death.

An unconfirmed report last year posted on social media unveiled the plight of a lady doctor who worked for 18 hours non-stop and as she was in her car going home in the wee hours of the morning she collapsed and died of exhaustion.

This triggered great concern and worry over the working conditions of government hospital doctors and there was immediate assurance from the Ministry of Health that they were looking to rectify the situation.

But social media platforms are abuzz with netizens stating that if doctors cannot look after themselves, how are they to look and care for their patients as it is unthinkable how a situation such as this can evolve.

The call by the general public is for public hospitals to put their house in order before they can treat and manage a patient’s health, otherwise it will only serve to be a case of the blind leading the blind.


** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher
