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Trying to earn respect by the use of deceit

This is probably one of the main thrusts of a person’s life, and it is to strive to earn respect and honour by commendable achievements, in order to make us feel good and well and pleased with ourselves.
This is why, from the time a person is born, it is instilled in a person the desire to succeed and achieve progress and prosperity throughout life by means fair, though there are persons who try to earn respect by the use of deceit.
While initially and for some time a person who uses deceit may be successful, eventually the cat is let out of the bag as the truth has a way of coming out and persons using deceit to earn respect fall into shame and condemnation.
This is why a person’s success must be genuine and not through the use of cunning and sleight in order to deceive people because people nowadays can see through the success of a person and determine for themselves if it is genuine.
This is also the reason why in life a person must be honest with themselves and not fool or deceive themselves into thinking they are better than others but to greet whatever success they achieve in life by being down to earth.
It is usually those who exercise humility that are truly honoured in the end and this is why the young must be able to be level headed and take life in their stride no matter what happens whether for better or worse.
** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher