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Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it

Malaysians, whoever you are, of whatever rank and order, of whatever ilk or stripe, must always take into consideration the wisdom of Spanish-American writer George Santanaya that “those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Those of us who are seniors and the elderly remember very well and clearly that Malaysia has a dark past, which is sometimes revisited by racially motivated politicians, harping on the May 13, 1969 race riots.
These politicians who play the race and religion card are playing with fire, as race and religion can become explosive issues that destroy a society, and require wisdom, tact and sensitivity in dealing with these thorny, tacky issues.
It should also be borne in mind that it is actually futile, useless and meaningless in this multi racial and multi religious country for leaders to champion the rights of a particular race or religion which is really to no avail.
Instead, for greater peace and stability, leaders should be blind, deaf and dumb to the “accidents of birth” such as race and religion and represent all Malaysians and care for them equally, irrespective of their race and religion.
This is why, in this era of geo-politics and globalization, it is time to discard and dispense with all race and religious politicking and instead pool the resources of the nation for everyone to prosper as a singular human race.
** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher