National anti-corruption strategy on course

by | Jan 14, 2025 | National, News

Since its launch in May last year, five of the 60 sub-strategies outlined under the national anti-corruption strategy 2024-2028 covering education, public accountability and enforcement have been successfully implemented.

According to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), under the education strategy, the integrity and anti-corruption module has been introduced as a compulsory course for students in institutions of higher learning.

In addition, the National Education Philosophy theme on ethics, moral values and anti-corruption have been included in the school academic calendar to educate students on the negative impact of corruption on the nation.

Focus has also been given to strengthening the Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strengthening Module to cultivate a culture of good governance in government organisations such as ministries, departments and agencies.

Under public accountability strategy, action has been taken in resolving emerging issues reported through the AG Dashboard to prevent leakages and misappropriation of public funds to optimise governing spending on the rakyat.

Under the enforcement strategy, the Border Control and Protection Agency Act (Act 860) was gazetted on Oct 17, 2024 for more efficient border control to protect Malaysia’s national interest and security.