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Annoyance and irritability go hand in hand

If you are annoyed, it is because someone or something has irritated you, and if you are irritated it is because someone or something has annoyed you, and these two facets of life are inseparable and go hand in hand.
Quite often people are bemused, but not amused, as they wonder why from time to time they become annoyed or irritated and they ask and seek for an antidote to escape from being annoyed or irritated.
However, there must be a clear distinction made between annoyance and irritation and anger, which calls for management and treatment, and while getting annoyed and irritated is perfectly understandable, being in anger or rage is not.
The actual reason why people get annoyed or irritated is because they don’t factor in their life for anything going wrong, they are therefore unrealistic and must learn to bear in mind that “anything that can possibly go wrong, will go wrong.”
It is really those who are prudent and wise who are hard to ruffle, they have up their sleeves alternative measures and contingency plans to counter any source of annoyance or irritability that might loom up in their lives.
These are the people who can counter annoyance and irritability easily and don’t get worked up easily and who are able to keep their temper and anger in check to ensure they live life in a smooth sailing way.
** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher