Concern rising over period poverty

by | Dec 26, 2024 | National, News

Period poverty is still considered a taboo subject in this country owing to ignorance and the lack of coordinated efforts, but there currently needs to be subsidies for menstrual products, comprehensive health education and better sanitation facilities.

Opening up to overcome the stigma associated with period poverty is a major beginning and the All Women’s Action Society (AWAS) disclosed that 12,870 of the 130,000 female students in the country face difficulties obtaining menstrual products.

AWAS also called for an end to archaic and obsolete practices such as period spot checks and the elimination of the long standing stigma of menstruation by fostering an inclusive education for both boys and girls.

Others cite that cross-ministry collaboration involving the health, education and women, family and community development ministries and relevant agencies and departments is crucial to address the issue of period poverty.

In rural areas, women face challenges such as having to travel long distances to purchase hygiene supplies, having inadequate access to essential facilities such as clean running water, lack of designated changing areas and the unavailability of reusable hygiene products.

In the ‘Save The Schools 2021’ report made available to the media by AWAS, it was revealed that 94.6 percent of period spot check violations occurred in primary and secondary schools in Malaysia.

