Identify with the poor and not the corrupt

by | Dec 25, 2024 | National, News, Opinions


‘Jangan pilih kasih,’ (don’t play favourites), this is something that is needed to be drummed into the hearts and minds of Malaysians to not curry favour with the powerful and wealthy but corrupt, and instead to stand and identify with the poor.

While the corrupt in this country are absolutely corrupt and seemingly beyond the long reach of the arm of the law and can afford to display arrogance and haughtiness, the poor have to contend with struggling to make ends meet daily.

The oft familiar saying comes to mind of the poor, ‘senyum walaupun beban berat,’ (smile though your burden is heavy), in a nation that has witnessed its leaders losing its way to corruption and greed.

For this country, it looks as if the oracle has spoken because although Malaysians have put their trust in their leaders, the leaders have betrayed us, (harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi) thus causing the majority of the rakyat to be bitterly disappointed.

But since life has handed us a lemon, let’s not give in to hopelessness and despair but to rise above the quagmire of corruption to stand tall and proud to deliver the nation from the hands of evildoers and strive to get the country back on track.

From being a rogue nation, let’s restore democracy, let’s pull together to fight the menace of corruption and together reset this country and lead it on the right path towards being a Great Nation as it rightfully should be.


** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher
