Initiatives to handle school dropout rates

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Education, National, News

The Ministry of Education is conducting a groundwork study to address the issue of dropout rates in the interiors of Sabah and Sarawak and the maiden initiative undertaken is to upgrade 28 schools.

A task force by the ministry is currently in the two states to also identify schools that can be used as Comprehensive Special Model Schools or (K9) as there is concern over students opting to leave school to work and marry.

The final verification work would also be carried out so that all recommendations can be brought to the senior management of the ministry in the hope that there can be an increase in the number of K9 schools in the new school session next year.

The dropout issue is especially of concern among Orang Asli and other indigenous students and the ministry hopes to remedy the situation by adding another 11 K9 schools to the present 17 for a total number of 28 K9 schools.

Other initiatives to be undertaken include allowing students to remain in the same school from Year One to Form Three thus eliminating the need for transitions or transfers upon completing their Year Six which is the present procedure.

Educationists, teachers and parent groups in these states welcome the measures being implemented and believe that not only is it a step in the right direction but also a timely move to tackle school dropout.

