What is your level of satisfaction?

by | Jul 21, 2024 | Opinions


In life, in anything a person sets out to do, he or she must endeavour to outline the threshold or where lies their level of satisfaction, as, if not, there will be no end to the undertakings that a person initiates.

This is where a certain classical madness grips us when there seem to be no limits to what the ventures undertaken in life are all about and while many of us live contented, happy, lives, there are just as many who are still bent on grasping.

Let’s face it. There are limits to everything in life for us. This is why it is important to ascertain the cut off mark at which you will be happy and satisfied with whatever you have achieved and not be avaricious.

There are persons in this world who can seemingly be content and satisfied with little, yet there are others who are never satisfied no matter how much they earn, accumulate and attain as they surprisingly feel that they are still poor.

All this is really a question of perspective. It is the classic example of a bottle of water that is half full that is set on the table. Some will see the bottle as half empty and yet others will see it as half full.

In order for us to be contented, happy and satisfied with all that is done in life, it is important to realistically benchmark our goals and targets that are hoped to be achieved and maintain a steady, stable motion or progress towards it.


** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher
