Politics at the workplace

by | Feb 10, 2024 | National, News, Opinions | 0 comments


Often there are among us people who rant and rave about toxic bosses and colleagues at the workplace that are driving them up the wall and therefore they jump ship thinking the pasture is greener elsewhere.

This kind of thinking and decision is a fallacy. The fact is eventually these same problems will surface at your new employment place and you will find that the only way to solve the problem is to confront it and not run away.

But please don’t be brutal in the way you confront problem bosses and colleagues, instead learn to be tactful and sensitive as it is not only important to deal with their behaviour and attitude but also their hearts and minds.

A calm and composed temperament will allow a person to assess a problem or situation rationally before it develops into a crisis that gets out of control and this is why there is a need to be level headed at all times.

A common occurrence or happening at the workplace is professional jealousy and in this situation there is a need to learn to give and take as some employees are definitely superior to others at the workplace.

Whatever the atmosphere at the workplace there should be a decent attempt made to unite colleagues in the larger mission of seeing the big picture or the objectives of an organization as this is the paramount goal.


** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher