The yardstick to measure success

by | Jan 22, 2024 | Opinions | 0 comments


Success means different things to different people, as success to one person might be considered failure to another person, and this is why there is no exact science or yardstick by which to measure success.

But having stated this fact, everyone has to bear in mind also that success is never final and failure never fatal, and it must also be understood that success is really failure turned inside out to bring about success.

A person will never know there is such a thing as light until he experiences darkness and this is why people will not know success until and unless they have experienced failure so don’t give up if you fail in something.

“Never give up, never give up, never give up,” were the famous words uttered by the late British prime minister Winston Churchill at the height of World War II but please give up on unrealistic ideas and ambitions.

The need to be successful in whatever is to be achieved is inherent in every human being as once success is attained it is only basic human nature to move up and strive to be even more successful.

Either way, whether a person achieves success or failure, these are ongoing happenings and what is to be borne in mind is to ensure that success keeps us in the mode of humility while failure means not to give up if our cause is noble.


** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher
