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Covid 19 making a comeback

Just when Malaysians were heaving a sigh of relief, thinking that the coronavirus had disappeared, in recent weeks there has been a stealth comeback of Covid 19 and the health ministry wants everyone to be vigilant.
The number of cases and deaths have been increasing in alarming proportions and the health ministry, while not enforcing the use of face masks, are encouraging Malaysians to mask up and be wary of symptoms.
Malaysians have been advised to monitor their own health and well being and take action if suffering from a fever, sore throat , cough or running nose by doing Covid 19 tests and to accordingly act.
It looks like the New Normal is still in force and useful to follow and guidelines such as wearing masks in public places, keeping a safe distance in contact with others, and staying home and not loitering are being emphasized.
Other recommendations spelt out by the health ministry is to hydrate by taking sufficient fluids and for those who have not taken their second booster shot, especially those in the high risk group, to do so.
Prevention is better than cure and it is necessary for all Malaysians to cooperate with the health ministry to once again bring Covid 19 under control to prevent lockdowns or movement control orders.
** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher