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The growing feminization of men
For nearly six or seven decades up to now there have been extensive efforts by various pressure groups, feminist organizations and civil society to empower women so they can be on par with the opposite sex.
While the world has witnessed breakthrough progress in empowering women, the soft power of women has become a major attraction that there is a growing number of men who want to be part of the power of their beauty.
This has led to more men cross dressing, being effeminate and developing feminine traits to emulate women, though the femininity of most women nowadays appear to have become fake, as a growing number of them behave more feminine than they should naturally.
This phenomenon has caused rising concern among right thinking persons and they have raised the alarm in wanting to quell this queer development as it can cause confusion among people and destabilize long held beliefs.
Men and women are completely separate and distinct from the beginning of humankind and there was never an avenue to create a third or other genders but this has come about because of certain people developing intrinsic disorders.
Intrinsic disorders are basically mental health issues in the way some people wrongly perceive themselves and, while increasingly common nowadays, there are therapies, rehabilitation and methods to reform people back to normalcy.
** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher