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Managing change in an ever changing world

If change is the only constant in life, people must learn to be pliable and adaptable as changes take place in our lives to ensure that life goes on for us uninterrupted or seamlessly until the very end.
This is important. No matter what happens or what the change that takes place there is a necessity to develop good coping skills to ensure that we gain the strength and are strong enough to persevere.
While this may appear to be difficult for some of us, it is vital that everyone of us create a big picture for ourselves and learn to focus and maintain the goals and targets to achieve in this mortal life.
It is envisaged and to be expected that not everything will go to perfection and this is why it is necessary to reposition and reorganise and even to revamp our lives to be able to keep going though circumstances may be adverse.
Never sweat the small stuff and don’t major in the minor, keep our focus on that ultimate big picture that has been created for ourselves, ensure it is realistic and can be achieved and not mere wishful thinking.
This life of ours is not forever and that is why it is imperative that every waking moment is not wasted but spent in constructive and healthy, wholesome pursuits that bring us lifelong happiness and joy and satisfaction.
** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher