Anwar committed to eradicating poverty

by | Sep 4, 2023 | National, News | 0 comments

Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI), is firmly committed to eradicating poverty in the country and this can be witnessed by his full backing for the activities of Amanah Ikthiar Malaysia (AIM).

DSAI was one of the first individuals to aid AIM through the Tabung Ikthiar initiative in helping to set women free from poverty and the organization now boasts of having more than 300,000 women .

These women are aided and assisted to start cottage industries and succeed as entrepreneurs and another aspect of being a participant in AIM is that children get to enroll in free tuition classes for primary and secondary education.

DSAI admitted that poverty is a problem and is across the board covering all races and this is why the government is mobilising efforts to find whatever ways and means possible to try and reduce poverty preferably to zero level.

The prime minister reiterated his commitment not only to helping women and children but also those suffering from abject poverty or the hardcore poor, the disabled, marginalized and disadvantaged groups.

DSAI appealed to Malaysians who had accumulated wealth surplus to their requirements to consider helping legally registered charities in an effort to ensure that there is an equitable distribution of the nation’s wealth.

