Improving on United Nations ranking

by | Aug 1, 2023 | National, News, World | 0 comments

Malaysian prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) stated that after taking into account the government’s financial capabilities improvements would be made to boost health services and provide a quality education for the people.

This bid by the government is to ensure that the nation moves at least to the 25th spot in the United Nations (UN) Human Development Index which is a global gauge of health and education provided by a country.

In respect of health services, as recommended in the Health White Paper, the government is committed to a target of 5 percent of Gross Domestic Product or GDP for health service spending on public and private healthcare systems.

As an example, DSAI cited the construction of the National Diseases Control Centre in Negeri Sembilan, which is estimated to cost RM305 million, which is being built to face any possible pandemic in the future.

With regards to education, financial allocations would be increased, procurement procedures would be further simplified and a process of decentralization will be carried out to speed up school projects and improve dilapidated schools.

Acknowledging that education is supply drive, DSAI stated that there was a need for a more progressive lifelong learning approach for all Malaysians in line with the fact that the nation is part of a global economy.

