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Empowering people by educating them

It was Horace Mann, two centuries ago, who made the profound declaration that ‘education is the great equalizer’ and is the way to empower and move people forward in the quest to live a significant, meaningful and purposeful life.
Following Mann’s declaration, the great equalizer has since been used for a variety of purposes. But the original essence and message of Mann reverberates to today and many scholars and intellectuals and right thinking people agree with him.
But the word ‘education’ is really a word with broad, all encompassing meaning and going to school and college is just part of the equation as there is so much more to an education than meets the eye.
But people must be educated in order for this world to take on a great, significant dimension and by pursuing knowledge and wisdom people are at once transformed to being more and more civilised.
By all means, and through whatever channel or medium, people should learn and study about life and the universe. It is not enough just to have to go through the education system as learning and the acquisition of knowledge is lifelong.
Once each and every individual focuses and concentrates on getting a real and sound education they will find themselves transported to a higher level of consciousness and become enlightened souls.
** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher