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Caretaker Prime Minister exhorts Malaysians

Taking time off from a hectic campaigning schedule, caretaker Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob stated that the Covid-19 pandemic and global recession has caused many problems and issues for Malaysians but urged them not to throw in the towel.
He exhorted Malaysians to stand up and be counted, though unemployment was high, costs of goods and services rising, and many still struggling to get back on their feet with a strong possibility that the outlook for the future was bleak.
Ismail Sabri struck a positive note when he stated that the government has been up to the challenge by providing a range of financial assistance and programs to improve the economy and these initiatives have been well received by Malaysians.
He cited as an example the JaminKerja venture which many Malaysians wanted to be continued and efforts by the Human Resources Ministry who have taken productive steps to ensure the welfare of workers and employers including those in the gig economy.
Ismail Sabri commented that to assist those who were retrenched during the pandemic, programmes to help them reskill and find new sources of income were initiated by the government giving priority to those in the B40 group.
On allegations of misappropriation which have been brought up by the opposition politicians in the present 15th General Election, he said that the Malaysian AntiCorruption Commission was handling the complaints and a number of cases have already been brought to court.