Digital equity for senior citizens

by | Oct 3, 2021 | National, News | 0 comments

In conjunction with National Senior Citizens Day, which was celebrated with the theme ‘Digital Equity for All Ages’, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob took to Facebook to wish seniors a Happy Senior Citizens Day.

In his Facebook post, he said the government will enhance support systems for senior citizens to ensure that their needs are taken care of .

He said the government also planned to expand the services of senior citizens centres to all parliamentary constituencies in line with the concept of Keluarga Malaysia (the Malaysian Family).

As of yesterday, he noted that 140 senior citizen centres have been set up nationwide and the government will strive to create more senior citizen-friendly towns in future.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister said the National Senior Citizen Registration System will be improved and its services expanded.

All this he said is in line with the nation expected to become an ageing nation by 2030 with 15 percent of the population set to be aged 60 and above.