How to Tell If You Are In a Toxic Romantic Relationship

by | Sep 17, 2021 | Opinions | 0 comments

Photo Credit: Flickr 

By Belle Wong

A toxic romantic relationship is when a partner is constantly being verbally or physically abusive, manipulative or even forbid his or her other half to do things that they enjoy. If your partner constantly calls you to ask where you are and refuses to let you meet up with friends and family, you should immediately exit the relationship.  

Every romantic relationship requires love and effort from both parties and if you start to feel that the efforts and affection given are one-sided, you would start feeling exhausted. Conversations with your partner would often end up in arguments and you might be the one whom your partner puts the blame on. When you start feeling sad or depressed due to numerous problems in your relationship, it’s time to question yourself if you should still be in a relationship with that person.  

A controlling partner also indicates that you are in a toxic relationship. When your significant other starts dictating on what you should wear or how you should act or even what job you should take up, this is a warning sign that you should talk to your partner about how you feel or even end the relationship before it takes a turn for the worse. 

If your partner is abusive, initiating a break up would endanger you or anyone close to you. As such, if you have been suffering abuse, it is wise to contact the police or any relevant authorities that could provide you temporary shelter or protection. Do not contact your partner again and try to refrain from meeting him or her. 

Breaking up is never easy as you have invested precious time and energy in it. If you and your partner decide to go separate ways, it is wise to move on by surrounding yourself with positive friends and family who love and care for you. If you went through a traumatic experience when you were dating your partner, you should seek professional help from a licensed therapist, psychologist or counsellor. 

** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher