Cooking up a storm during the MCOs

by | Sep 4, 2021 | Opinions | 0 comments


Over the last eighteen months, ever since the first Movement Control Order (MCO), Malaysians have spent a lot of time being confined to their homes until now and during that time they were fortunate and privileged to witness a range of culinary skills on social media.

It was a real feast, a moveable feast as different cooking personalities taught us how to whip up a storm by cooking exotic and different kinds of dishes that have never before been tasted. It was a real gastronomical experience for us watching from the comfort and safety of our homes.

For many of us Malaysians this was perhaps the silver lining in the Covid-19 cloud. It was really a fascinating time for us to learn what wonders can be done with eggs, vegetables, poultry and meat.

Even for those with only basic cooking skills to pick up new recipes for a song can be considered a great return-on-investment. After all, it costs virtually nothing to switch on the television or Internet  and learn how to cook mouth-watering dishes.

It might now come as a surprise that there are a number of the younger set who are inspired and motivated to become cooks and chefs or business people who want to use their new-found skills to launch restaurants and eateries.

From this experience, what is learnt is that there will always be good and bad in life. Covid-19 is a bad experience for everyone. But during this Covid-19 stay home, stay safe episode many people have become wiser and learnt new things especially cooking skills.


** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher