MEDAC submit enhanced SOPs to allow businesses to operate

by | Jul 30, 2021 | Business, Local | 0 comments

MEDAC submit enhanced SOPs to allow businesses to operate

The Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives (MEDAC) had submitted a proposed enhanced standard operating procedures (SOPs) to the government to help speed up the opening of the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector, particularly the FCLO (First to Close Last to Open) category, safely.

The proposed Enhanced SOPs was presented by MEDAC Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar to Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri during a meeting, on Tuesday.

Dr. Wan Junaidi said while MEDAC fully supports the opening of more economic activities, it is indeed crucial to have a clear SOPs in place so that businesses are able to operate as usual – in a safe and controlled manner.

Based on discussions with members of the industry, he said many have expressed willingness to operate under stricter SOPs and will give full cooperation with the authorities and enforcement team.

“In fact, they (industry members) are very proactive and cooperative in this. The enhanced SOPs prepared by MEDAC is actually collaborative effort between the ministry and members of the industry where they too have given input,” he said.

The Enhanced SOPs proposed by MEDAC focuses on six economic activities under the FCLO categories, which are in food and beverages (F&B dine-in), shopping malls, watches shop, pedicure and manicure (grooming services), beauty parlour (salon) and barber (hair salon).

Almost half of the business activities identified , are owned by women entrepreneurs, among the groups most affected by the nationwide lockdown.

The SOPs entail a comprehensive set of guidelines from handling of customers, managing staff, operating hours as well premises maintenance to ensure all comply to the post Covid-19 safety requirements.

Among the mandatory procedures proposed include:

(i) Business owners and workers must complete the two doses of Covid-19 vaccination jabs;

(ii) Business owners and workers must go for weekly Covid-19 swam test and;

(iii) Immediate closure of premise, for sanitisation purposes, should there be any case Covid-19 detected.