Stop the discrimination against top non-Malay students

by | Jul 21, 2021 | Opinions | 0 comments

PHOTO CREDIT: Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia


For several weeks now it has been most painful and agonising to witness a number of sessions on social media whereby top non-Malay students with excellent results being denied the course of study of their choice in local public universities.

These Chinese and Indian students were brilliant beyond belief yet they were denied placement to study courses such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and engineering all because of the racist policies practised by the ministry of higher education.

In the present world there can be no room for tolerance of such discriminatory practices as it will be seen as uncivilised and not in keeping with the building of a global community where there is no favoritism shown but instead there is meritocracy.

This is what is leading Malaysia towards being a failed state. It is high time that meritocracy be practised in our education system and not only in institutions of higher learning but also in our public school system.

From nursery to tertiary there must not be any biases or prejudice suffered by a student based on race or religion. This has been going on covertly for some time and such injustice suffered by innocent young students should not find a place in this country.

There is a need to take this discriminatory practice by its roots and extract it completely out of our education system. The playing field for education must be level and it must be that the top students be given first priority for entry into public universities.

Non-Malay students have been suffering a grave travesty of justice by being sidelined from the preferred courses of study despite their hard work, superior intelligence and capability. It is time to get rid completely of unfair practices in the field of education.

Malaysians of all walks of life should compete fairly and only the brightest and best based on merit and not favoritism should be allowed to enroll for courses of study. Nothing less than the practise of meritocracy is needed to put the education system back on track.


** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher