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Casio Offers Educational Resources to Tackle Summer Brain Drain
Boost Your Child’s Brain Power with User-Friendly Math Resources from Casio.
Every summer brings its challenges and after many months of learning loss due to the pandemic, “summer brain drain” is added to the mix. Studies show COVID-19 impacted every aspect of society including education. Due to the switch to distance learning, it was estimated that if in-classroom instruction was to resume by fall 2021, students will have lost about 12.4 months of learning. As we kick off the summer, Casio highlights the importance of ensuring students keep their math skills alive throughout the summer and supports its “Casio Cares” mission by offering free and interactive webinar series and user-friendly resources to tackle summer brain drain.
Summer Webinar Series
Boost your child’s brain power during the summer with Casio’s 30-minute summer webinar series, “Mini Math Moments.” The live, interactive webinars are designed to help incorporate math technology into the teaching and learning of mathematics. The webinars will cover a variety of math topics that can help with remote learning, including: Elementary and Middle School Math, Algebra I & II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Calculus and Statistics. All webinars are recorded and can be accessed any time on Casio Education’s YouTube channel. Students can register for upcoming webinars here.
Casio’s free all-in-one web-based mathematics software, ClassPad.net, simplifies online summer math learning. Geared for the K-12 level and beyond, the software is designed to make the creativity of mathematics more accessible, interactive and personalized. Users learn how to work through critical mathematical concepts, as well as how to use the company’s extensive portfolio of education technology. Students can sign up for a free ClassPad.net account here.
To check out Casio’s additional remote learning educational resources, please click here. For additional information on Casio’s full portfolio of calculators and education initiatives, please visit www.CasioEducation.com