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Malaysia fares very badly in Covid Resilience Ranking

PHOTO: Bloomberg TV
Malaysia has fallen significantly and is near the bottom of the heap in the ‘2021 Bloomberg Covid Resilience Ranking’ for the month of June ranking in 51st position out of 53 economies in an economy size of more than US$200 billion.
It is a sharp decline considering that Malaysia was ranked 16th on the same scale in January this year, a time when the administration of Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin declared an emergency to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.
This clearly shows by independent international watchers on the Covid-19 pandemic that the move by Malaysia to declare an emergency has been a major failure and it is time for the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government to re-think carefully about the direction in which they are leading the country.
The political will to administer the country is now missing. This is simply because the PN government never received the mandate to govern the country. It was given by the electorate or Malaysian voters to Pakatan Harapan.
This is why the PN government are merely pretenders to the throne. They have no legal or moral right to govern the country and this is why they do not have the support of most Malaysians in their scheme of things.
The PN government must recognize and realize that they are now dealing with a better informed and better educated Malaysian society and this is why, while being tolerant of the PN government, the rakyat are patiently waiting for the staging of the 15th General Election (GE).
It is in the 15th GE that Malaysians will make the choice and preference for their leaders and if there is no change forthcoming in who governs from Putrajaya then there looms the real and stark possibility that Malaysia will head towards being a failed state.
** The views expressed on this opinion is of the writer and not the publisher